Re: Política en general


Irene Martin

    Vale, vamos a ver. esto está sacado de uno de los estudios esos

    However, the two major surveys using matched before and after samples in Melbourne (Finch et al. 1993; Report No. 45, Monash Univ. Accident Research Centre) and throughout NSW (Smith and Milthorpe 1993; Roads and Traffic Authority) observed reductions in numbers of child cyclists 15 and 2.2 times greater than the increase in numbers of children wearing helmets. [b]This suggests the greatest effect of the helmet law was not to encourage cyclists to wear helmets, but to discourage cycling[/b].

    Es que es precisamente esto lo que no entiendo. Vale que no se demuestre que sea mas seguro y todo lo que querais, pero no comprendo por qué si obligan al ciclista a ponerse casco la reacción del ciclista es no coger la bicicleta… :dry: