Este debate tiene 35 respuestas, 15 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 9 años, 8 meses por tintxu.
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28/01/2014 a las 15:11 #137596
También me fijé en eso precisamente en At The Gates.
Pero bueno, es que en Metal Archives en el momento que llega el típico gañán que pone un 10% de nota jode todo. Es como dar un 1 de 10 a un disco y joder, eso es imposible en la mayoría de los casos. Todo es subjetivo pero vaya, que hay que puntuar con cierto criterio, por mucho que un disco te parezca una basura un 1 es para cosas infames que no se puedan ni escuchar.
28/01/2014 a las 17:03 #137608
Es que en metal archives hay mucho taliban del underground y, además, mucho trolleo. El otro día me encontre con este tipo: Ha hecho 40 reviews y todas de 0% sobre 100% :risa: :risa:
Se han piicao con el disco de Carcass y han dicho: “pues nosotros también discazo”. Yo estoy convencido :guitar:
+1 Los viejos rockeros nunca mueren :guitar: Aunque veremos que nos depará, seguramente sea un disco tirando de continuación al Slaugther…
Si eres feo escucha Death Metal.
28/01/2014 a las 17:28 #137620
28/01/2014 a las 17:50 #137621
Joder, mirad su perfil :risa: :
Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator – stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).
28/01/2014 a las 18:02 #137622
Joder, mirad su perfil :risa: :
Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator – stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).
:despollo: :despollo: :despollo: :despollo: :despollo: :despollo: :despollo: :despollo:
31/01/2014 a las 23:50 #137944
Joder que crack!
01/02/2014 a las 02:18 #137947
Hablando de las reviews de metal archives y por curiosidad, cual es el cd de metal archives, con al menos 15 reviews, que recordais haber visto con mejor puntuacion?
Yo que ahora mismo recuerde, “Elvenefris” de los checos Lykathea Aflame: 20 votaciones y 97/100 de valoracion. Y no me extraña, porque es un cd glorioso a mas no poder (uno de mis cds preferidos de todos los times).
Y el de peor puntuacion?
04/02/2014 a las 16:12 #138316
Ufff muchas para ambas opciones.
Recuerdo que el Dance of December Souls de Katatonia tenía un 99 de valoración con varias críticas. Y de las peores, bueno, están los bodríos y piradas de olla: The Unspoken King de Cryptopsy, Illud Divinum Insanus de Morbid Angel y los de Metallica St.Anger y Lulu.
Si eres feo escucha Death Metal.
05/02/2014 a las 21:08 #138449
Joder, mirad su perfil :risa: :
Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator – stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).
Lo venía a pegar ahor amismo :despollo:
Menudo gilipollas :risa:
05/02/2014 a las 22:39 #138462
Joder, mirad su perfil :risa: :
Metal died in 1993. Only 12 good albums have been released since then (most of them in 1994, being already recorded by 1993). Metal achieved its creative peak in albums like Onward to Golgotha, Pure Holocaust, and The Red in the Sky is Ours, elevating the genre into a legitimate art form. Now, thanks to Slaughter of the Soul and Gojira, all its potential was squandered and the genre has been reduced into being mere gimmick ridden noise for drunk idiots (i.e. the lowest common denominator – stop trying to turn underground metal into AC/DC).
:midios: :midios: :midios: :midios: Un TRVE de verdad, y como este hay muchos :risa:
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